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California Supply Chains Act Notice


At Boardriders, Inc., we are committed to conducting business in an ethical manner and expect our manufacturing partners to share this same commitment. Accordingly, we established a global ethical program in 2004 titled “QUEST” (Quiksilver Ethical Standards of Trade), to prevent abusive, exploitive, or illegal conditions in the workplace and prevent human trafficking and slavery. QUEST includes a Supplier Workplace Code of Conduct, and all agents, vendors and factories are required to participate in the QUEST program as a condition of doing business with our company.


Verification: Annually, we evaluate all of our direct manufacturing suppliers to verify that they are not at risk for violating anti-slavery and human trafficking laws. Our own internal QUEST team spearheads the verification process, using an internally developed assessment tool. We also rely on input from our independent factory auditors to assess these risks and vulnerabilities.  


Supplier Audits: We monitor supplier behavior and compliance with QUEST through our independent contractor with unannounced audits and ongoing monitoring.


Certification: To ensure that our suppliers respect and enforce our QUEST standards, the commercial agreements governing our contractual relationship often stipulate that our suppliers must abide by our QUEST standards, or the contractual relationship is subject to termination. More specifically, we ask our suppliers to agree to provide workers with a safe and healthy work environment; allow workers freedom of association and collective bargaining; conduct business in compliance with applicable environmental, labor, and employment laws; refrain from corrupt practices; and protect against human trafficking and slavery. We also require our suppliers to certify that materials incorporated into our products comply with applicable laws, including those laws that relate to slavery and human trafficking in the country or countries in which they do business.


Internal Accountability: Non-compliance with our QUEST standards can result in a Corrective Action Plan, under which our employees and contractors are expected to follow a series of steps to correct their noncompliance  in order for them to remain an active employee or contractor. Otherwise, they face termination. Throughout the assessment process, factory management is educated and assisted on any noncompliance issue encountered during the applicable audit.


Training: As part of our efforts to ensure compliance with our QUEST standards and prevent abusive, exploitive, or illegal conditions in the workplace, our QUEST department conducts ongoing internal employee and management training regarding our code and human rights concerns, including human trafficking and slavery associated with our supply chains. The training specifically covers mitigating risks of human trafficking and slavery within our company’s supply chains of products, and is mandatory for those company employees and management who have direct responsibility for supply chain management.


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